Thursday 10 February 2011


So, my CSM ap went in the other night. Maximum limit was two hundred words, not a lot to work with but this is what I spat out:

Communication, communication, communication.
Iteration, iteration, iteration.
An end to The Bot.
Rejuvenation of the small gang and lowsec experience.

These are the cornerstones of my campaign. I have played Eve for five and a half years and I believe these are the most pressing concerns of the Eve player of today.

Communication with the players has always been one of CCP's weak points. The CSM has helped build bridges. Let's make them even stronger.

The release of Incarna is a given but once it's out there and done and dusted it's time to really spruce up some old features that were given the once over and have sat ignored since then. Sovereignty, POSes and Outposts, Science and Industry and COSMOS among others all need a look in.

The insidious bot must be destroyed, from the RMTer to the casual. It won't be, and it can't be, quick and simple but it is something which must be done for the good of the players and the economy.

Lowsec needs a rework from the ground up, from mining to marauding with an emphasis on carrot rather than stick. Let's incentivise PVPers to do more with less, not more with EVEN MORE.


  1. Can you elaborate on your final paragraph?

  2. I would have done but ran out of :words:

    Lowsec is, frankly, lacking in both content and any sort of incentive to be there. As it stands FW is a bit of a ginger stepchild among features having been ignored like nothing else since it's release. Across the whole of Lowsec resource distribution, risk/reward ratios and general combat mechanics are all in dire need of a look in. I'll be discussing this later.

    Reference small gangs I've got something that should go up in the next day or so, but essentially means should be engineered whereby small gangs can achieve objectives that shouldn't require or be any quicker with a massive fleet. Not neccessarily tied to directly affecting Sov.
